Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Book of Negroes

The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill was my latest read. I started this book with reluctance thinking it would take me so long to finish this 470 page book. I could not put this book down, (ask Kyle, he will attest to this fact). Do all your chores and errands BEFORE you start this book because everything will go to the wayside once you start it. This book describes the incredible journey of Aminata, an African girl, captured as a slave. She survives terrible trials both physically and emotionally but SURVIVES! The story is interesting as well as informative, historically speaking. An intelligent woman of the 18th Century learning to read and write, speak numerous languages because she is willing to accept nothing less for herself. Now that I see this in writing it really doesn't sound that interesting but I'm pleading with you to read it and see how good it really is. It is is definitely worth taking the time to read.

Next blog I'm going to find out how to post a picture of the book too. I have a few other interesting books I'm undertaking, nothing to wordy but interesting just the same.

I might add other things to this blog other than books. Someone said maybe I should write what I did this week. Besides reading, I've fit in canning tomatoes, knitting a sock (yes just one, another to follow hopefully very soon), swimming twice with the kids and it's only Wednesday!


  1. After two recommendations re: this book, I better read it! Trouble is I don't seem to find enough time to read. Haven't started the first one you recommended! Guess I don't take the time! Maybe I should get more organized......

  2. Now that is a book that I have picked up a few times while in a bookstore and hung onto it, even peeking at the pages to see if I could really get a good look. Sounds intriguing from your point of view!

  3. This book is captivating, scenic, redemptive, and vivid. I loved it . . . a lot. I also love that all 3 of your books have been 3 of my books too. We remain beautifully connected, Steph. Just wondering: are you picking up a Greek text anytime soon? That's what I'm reading these days. Yuck.

  4. Can't wait to start reading this book. This is the book that I am going to suggest for our bookclub. Just finished reading Water for Elephants. Quite interesting at least I kept going with it. Looking forward to reading your books that you suggest.

  5. Just finished this book. I feel like I need a nap as every moment awake has been occupied with reading this book. Tragic and beautiful. Elephants for want of Towns.
